Who Creates

松本サキ / 代表・映像監督

東京都出身。カリフォルニア州立大学ノースリッジ校を脚本専攻で卒業後、2011年に帰国。外国語映画の吹替制作にて音響監督を務め100本以上を演出。並行して、映画やCMといった制作にも携わる。2017年末にCreative Piece Productionを立ち上げ、現在は監督、プロデューサーとして映像制作を中心に活動中。

Saki Matsumoto / Representative, Director

Working mainly in Tokyo. Concentrated in screenwriting, she graduated from CSU Northridge in California, and went back to Japan in 2011. She worked as a sound director for dubbing the foreign countries movies into Japanese over 100 titles. Meanwhile, she worked in productions of movies and commercials. In the end of 2017, she established her own production, Creative Piece Production and now is working as a mostly director and producer in movie industry.

奈央 / ヘア・メイクアップ

学生時代に国際美容技能証明書HIQ、ネイル、カラーコーディネーター、フェイシャルエステティシャンの資格を取得。ブライダルやショーの現場を経験し、雑誌H&MPressのフォトコンテストに入賞。卒業後、ニューヨークへ渡米。VOGUE等のファッション誌やショー、化粧品の製品開発などのアシスタントを経験した後、バックグラウンドからキャラクターのルックを構築し、皆で作品を作り上げていく映画の世界に魅了され映画業界に足を踏み入れる。ロサンゼルスにてDINAIR Airbrush Makeupの公式認定講師のディプロマを取得。


NAO / Hair and Makeup

Got the qualification of HIQ, nail, color coordinator and facial esthetician while in school. Through the bridal ceremonies and shows, she won the award at the photo contest of H&MPress magazine. After the graduation, she flew to the United States, and got many experiences of the fashion magazines like VOGUE, shows, and being assistant for new products of makeup. However, because she was fascinated by the movie world, which is built with a lot of people by making a look of characters from the background, she decided to step into the industry. She got the diploma of certificated official instructor of DINAIR Airbrush Makeup in Los Angeles.

In addition to the beauty makeup, by using the special effects makeup like scars, bruises and old-aging, she is now concentrating on movies such as the short film, feature film, web drama like Hulu, CM, and MV. She supports photo shoots, helps a makeup school as an instructor, and works as a beauty advisor. Engaging in wardrobe and production design sometimes.

高橋ケンイチ / アートディレクター


Kenichi Takahashi / Art Director

Born in Fukushima prefecture, Japan. Majoring in industrial design, he graduated from Nihon University College of Art, Fine Arts Course. He joined a design office and started designing products, graphics, spaces and so forth. After that, he ran the own company with his friends to make 2D and 3DCG videos of movies, TVs, commercials, and companies’ websites. In 2007, he established beyonDesign and now is concentrating in graphic designs and movie productions as an art director and designer. Joined CPP since the end of 2018.

山田智美 / イベントマネージャー

"食"体験から新しい発見や学びの場を提供するイベントコーディネーターとして活動中。個人的な活動ばかりでなく、企業や団体とのコラボレーションなどの共催イベントも幅広く開催。2019年にはCreative Pieceへ正式ジョイン。現在は主に、CPP作品の上映会などの企画運営を担当。

食分野の中でも特にワインを専門としており、2016年に日本ソムリエ協会認定ワインエキスパートを取得したのち、翌年には日本ソムリエ協会初の日本酒資格Sake Diplomaに第一期生として認定される。また、世界最大のワイン認定資格WSETのAdvanced Levelを2018年に修了し、国内・国外ともにその活動を広げている。

Tomomi Yamada / Event Manager

An event coordinator providing an atmosphere in which people can discover and immerse themselves in food experiences. In addition to that, she has also coordinated a wide range of co-sponsored events such as collaborating with several companies and organizations. Officially joining Creative Piece in 2019, she is responsible for managing and planning CPP screenings.

Tomomi has completed the Wine and Spirit Education Trust (WSET) Level 3 Advanced Certificate in 2018. In addition, She is a holder of Wine Expert certification and Sake Diploma in Japan Sommelier Association.